





Discipline Reference Documents and Tools (updated for 2024-2025 school year)

Meaningful learning occurs in environments that are inclusive, safe, welcoming, consistent, and predictable. 当建立信任关系的文化响应实践时,远离教育公正的学生的学业成绩有可能显著提高, engage students, 让学生们发出自己的声音, families, 而社区在满足他们的需求方面都有所运用.

2024欧洲杯竞猜致力于促进包容性和文化响应性,尊重和重视整个地区学校和教室的多样性,并有意关注非洲裔美国男孩和青少年. This commitment serves to guide decisions in promoting fair and equitable treatment for all.

In committing to safe 温馨的环境s in 2024欧洲杯竞猜, 我们认识到在整个学校系统的学科反应中存在种族不成比例的现象,并致力于为所有学生的成功创造条件和关系. 当学生们能够展现真实的自我, they feel valued, 在学校受到欢迎和安全, 更有可能参与其中, stay in school, and learn.  要做到这一点,我们需要:

  • 通过使用创伤信息和文化响应实践来支持学生的学业,消除阻碍学生学习的障碍, behaviorally, 社交和情感;
  • 解决在使用排他做法时对学生参与度和毕业率造成的不可否认的伤害和影响;
  • Provide inclusive 温馨的环境s that center student motivation, 学习和归属感;
  • Design learning that provides students with flexible options to learn and share what they know;
  • Use student voice to co-create options that ensure more inclusive and equitable learning.


社区机构向金县居民提供有关卫生和人类服务的援助和信息. 查询信息请拨打800-621-4636或211. 心理健康支持请拨打988.

2024欧洲杯竞猜基本规则》阐述了2024欧洲杯竞猜关于学生行为的规章制度. 它是根据州法律的要求创建的,并与2024欧洲杯竞猜战略计划保持一致. 它引用了《2024欧洲杯竞猜》(WAC)中管理纠正响应使用的章节.e., discipline, suspension, and expulsion) for any student by a school district.

2024欧洲杯竞猜纪律政策的基础是通过包容性的预防来建立的, safe, 温馨的环境.  Stakeholders, students, families, educators, administrators, district staff, and volunteers, 共同创造全校共同的行为期望, common language, 以及纪律程序和策略,旨在最大限度地延长教学时间,减少课堂外和学校的行为后果.  学校工作人员致力于实施纪律反应,确认所有学生与学校社区的联系, while nurturing and restoring student-school relationships.


  • There is racial disproportionality in disciplinary responses within the district;
  • 每一种涉及纪律的情况都可能是复杂的,潜在的因素需要工作人员理解学生行为的意义;
  • Students, parents, 监护人有权成为积极的合作伙伴在学校参与纪律决策过程之前提供意见;
  • Those involved with the disciplinary decision- making process should consider mitigating and extenuating factors; and
  • 当采用排斥性做法时,不可否认会对学生的参与度和毕业率产生负面影响.

Student Rights

As a member of the school community, students have the right to:

  • An inclusive, safe and welcoming classroom and school culture;
  • Access to a high-quality education and extracurricular activities;
  • 被人看见,被人认识,被人关心,被人倾听,被人重视;
  • 在学校的员工和整个课程中体验你的文化的可见性和代表性;
  • 有机会从错误中吸取教训,并获得文化响应的社会情感和行为支持;
  • A clear pathway for reporting racist activity without retaliation;
  • 有机会从错误中吸取教训,并得到支持,根据自己的意愿做出改变, 你的家长,监护人和学校工作人员.

Additionally, 学生有基本权利(WAC 392-400-805),学校不得非法侵犯这些权利:

  • 不受非法歧视
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Freedom of Press
  • 和平集会的自由
  • 申诉的自由
  • 宗教自由
  • 不受宗派控制或影响的自由
  • 免于无理搜查和扣押
  • Freedom to Pursue an Education while in the custody of the District
  • 受教育机会均等的权利


As a member of the school community, you should take personal responsibility to:

  • Share 当你经历情感和/或身体压力时,为了获得文化上适当的资源或支持,与一个值得信赖的成年人在一起;
  • Ask for help with meeting your educational, cultural, social, and emotional needs;
  • Engage in mutually respectful dialogue with staff and other students;
  • Attend school and be prepared for classes to the best of your ability;
  • Contribute 营造包容、安全和温馨的环境;
  • Respect 要注意他人的权利;
  • Follow the 2024欧洲杯竞猜基本规则 and individual school rules;
  • Dress in school in ways that are consistent with School Board Policy No. 3224;
  • Identify yourself to and follow reasonable requests from school staff; and
  • Respect 他人和学校的财产. (见校董会政策编号. 3520).

If you believe that your rights have been violated, please contact the discipline office at:

206-252-8020或电子邮件: discipline@find-top.com


  • 确保一个包容、安全和友好的环境,让学生感到被关注、被倾听和被重视;
  • Know, care for, and establish positive relationships with students;
  • Utilize verbal de-escalation skills in addressing student behavior;
  • Provide students the opportunities to learn from mistakes with culturally responsive behavioral, social, 情感支持;
  • Implement disciplinary responses that are least disruptive to the student-school relationship, 同时也最大化教学时间;
  • Partner with students and their families to identify and support their needs;
  • 检查自己的内隐偏见, while working from a culturally responsive and trauma informed lens;
  • Seek out, attend, and engage in professional learning that promotes the use of anti-racist practices;
  • Be responsible for teaching and modeling accountability, 修复和恢复与学生的关系, and ensuring fair and transparent responses to practices.


  • 及时调查纪律事件;
  • 受到有尊严的对待. be allowed to tell your side of the story, and have it documented;
  • Explanation of disciplinary decision/response to you and family;
  • An actively anti-racist disciplinary response with reasonable consequences, 包括恢复性做法和/或调解;
  • Written notification within 24 hours to you and family after initial verbal notification;
  • Provide communication in your identified home language;
  • 让你的家人参与任何纪律处分;
  • 用你的母语保持信息灵通;
  • 要求在五(5)个工作日内对停学和开除提出上诉,并在三(3)个工作日内对紧急开除提出上诉;
  • 向你提供有关上诉权的资料.

If you have questions regarding the discipline appeals process, please contact discipline@find-top.com

  • 学术欺骗/剽窃
  • Arson
  • Assault
  • (物理)侵略
  • 滥用、篡改和侵入电脑
  • Dangerous Weapons
  • 歧视性的骚扰
  • 歧视性语言
  • Disobedience
  • 破坏性的行为
  • 分发酒精饮料
  • Distributing Illegal Drugs, Controlled Substances, Prescription, or Over-the-counter Drugs
  • 分发大麻
  • 分销烟草/尼古丁产品
  • 敲诈,勒索,胁迫
  • False Alarm
  • False Reporting
  • False Threats
  • Fighting
  • Firearms
  • Fireworks, Explosives, Chemicals, and Incendiary Devices
  • Gambling
  • Graffiti
  • 骚扰、恐吓和欺凌
  • 仇恨团体活动
  • Hazing
  • 不恰当的语言
  • 不适当的接触
  • 干涉学校权威
  • 对校方的恐吓
  • Lewd Conduct
  • 恶意财产损害
  • Misrepresentation
  • 其他异常不当行为
  • 拥有或使用酒精饮料的
  • 持有或使用非法药物、管制药物、处方药或非处方药的
  • 持有或使用大麻
  • Possessing or Using Tobacco/Nicotine Products, including electronic vapor devices
  • 管有赃物
  • Robbery
  • Rule-Breaking
  • 出售酒精饮料
  • Selling Illegal Drugs, Controlled Substances, Prescription, or Over-the-counter Drugs
  • Selling Marijuana
  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Theft
  • 暴力威胁
  • Trespass

2024欧洲杯竞猜 prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students on school property, 2024欧洲杯竞猜资助的交通, 或者作为学校活动的一部分. Compliance with this rule is mandatory; students who disregard the prohibition may be subject to a disciplinary response. 2024欧洲杯竞猜 offers or can assist in arranging access to drug and alcohol education, counseling, 以及恢复支持. For further information, contact your school leader, school social worker, or school counselor.

如果学校领导提出纪律处分, 学生认为这是不公平或不合适的, the student has the right to appeal the imposed discipline. 各种申诉程序都载于2024欧洲杯竞猜基本规则手册中, 可向学生所在学校或学生纪律处索取,电话:206-252-0820

2024欧洲杯竞猜 (SPS) provides Equal Educational Opportunities and Equal Employment Opportunities and does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex; race; creed; color; religion; ancestry; national origin; age; economic status; sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity; pregnancy; marital status; physical appearance; the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability; honorably discharged veteran or military status; or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal.

SPS provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. 供学生及市民使用, 以下员工被指定处理有关涉嫌歧视的问题和投诉,可通过邮件与他们联系, by phone, 或以下信息中指定的电子邮件:

MS 32-149
PO Box 34165

For sex discrimination concerns, including sexual harassment, contact:



ADA/ 504条款申诉协调员
